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wear condom

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wear condoms,place a condom

Ways for place a condom

Place a condom before penetration. Do it in the following way: Check that the expiration date has not passed yet. Use only condoms with the CE quality label on the packaging. Remove the bag. There is a small cut on one side of the packaging to help you. Do not open with scissors, knife or teeth. The condom can be …

types of condoms,condom sizes,lubricate condom

Using condoms is something you have to do

What do condoms have in common with toothpaste and toilet paper? Given the world we live in, wearing condoms is something you just have to do, like brushing your teeth. The stakes are too high. We know,that for those who choose to have sex with someone who has any chance of being infected of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases …

last longer condom,sensitive condom,wear condom

Can condoms make you last longer in bed?

Wearing a condom can make you less sensitive down there. That’s totally normal. Just think about what your hands or feet will feel if they are tied. Same goes with your member. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t have fun in bed anymore and feel less pleasure. The truth is you can use it to your advantage, since it can …

condom fit

Condom tips on how to make it fit?

If you know which types condom better for you? As many people are aware of the benefits of wearing a condom during sex, some guys may feel overwhelmed with all of their options.   A article from provided some tips on how to make sure the protection one chooses is the right fit. if the condom fits? Condoms come …

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