Mango Brand Condom Manufacturer

custom female condom

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Female condom manufacturer, Polyurethane Female condom, OEM brand woman condom

condom for girls

Normally the latex condom on the market are mainly male condom. Female condoms are the condom for girls, which are a barrier method of contraception worn inside the vagina. They prevent pregnancy by stopping sperm meeting an egg.  A female condom can be put into the vagina before the sex, but make sure the penis does not come into contact …

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Best female condom supplier

Female condoms provide a woman more control when women need it. Our female condom are made of soft polyurethane or latex, the female condom actually offers more protection against pregnancy and disease because it covers more area. Now you can rest assured you will always be protected with female condom. The female condom fits inside the vagina like the diaphragm …

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