Mango Brand Condom Manufacturer

Condom Size

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condoms size

How to Find Your Condom Size correctly!

We are here to break the one-size-fits-all condom myth and lead you to the land of surprisingly amazing safer sex activity. Condoms, once made solely for protection, are now made with absolute pleasure in mind. If you are wearing a condom that fits like a glove, both partners will have an enhanced, more pleasurable (and much safer) experience. While condoms …

condoms size

How To Find Your Condom Size

A statement “one size fits all” has never been more wrong than when it comes to condoms. Studies show that at least 40% of men are wearing the wrong condom size. Are you? For proper or proper protection against risk of STIs and unplanned pregnancy, finding the right size condom is crucial. Here 3 condom size: Standard Fit- 52±2mm in …

condoms sizes

what size condom fit for you?

There are condoms for larger penises and condoms for smaller penises. It is important to find one that fits you perfectly, just as you would a pair of shoes. If you feel that your condom always slips off or feels baggy, try a nominal width of 52mm, as opposed to 56mm-the nominal width condom are comfortable and fit most people. …

What is condom Nominal Width?

The “nominal width” of your chosen condom is critical to making it fit securely and comfortably. Don’t worry if you have never heard of nominal width – most people have not; even though in Europe is has to be printed on every condom box. It measures the width of the condom at or near its open end when it is …

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