Mango Brand Condom Manufacturer

Africa condom

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Establishment of Condom Manufacturing Plant in Africa

Establishment of Condom Manufacturing Plant in Africa

Producing condoms locally to meet local demand by creating a sustainable healthcare industry. Project Description: Setting up an efficient and innovative manufacturing plant of condoms, as well as related marketing capacities to private & social marketing entities within Eastern Africa & internationally- location: data suggests Uganda or Tanzania. The plant will be the first of its kind in Africa and …

Condom factory foil sealing room workshop

Condom Manufacturer Supplier from Africa Namibia Goes Hi-tech

Only few condom factories located at Africa. The collective social responsibility and health concern about the spread of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Namibia led to the setting up of the country first and only one condom factory. John Maritz and his wife Sabina, two ex-teachers, thought over the idea of producing condoms locally instead of importing them for some time …

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we had served more than 50 worldwide condom brands.