Mango Brand Condom Manufacturer

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How do Sterilization for condoms?

How do Sterilization for condoms?
Condoms are typically manufactured in a clean environment that reduces the need for post-manufacture sterilization. However, the process itself involves steps that help ensure they are hygienic and safe for use. Here’s a general look at the process:
  1. Material Preparation: The raw latex or synthetic material used to make the condoms is prepared.
  2. Molding and Dipping: The prepared material is shaped into condoms using glass molds. The molds are dipped into the material, creating a condom layer as it dries.
  3. Washing and Drying: The formed condoms are washed to remove any residual chemicals from the molding process.
  4. Heat Treatment: The condoms undergo heat treatment, which helps solidify the material and can assist with sterilization.
  5. Lubrication: If the condoms are to be lubricated, they are rolled in a lubricant. Some lubricants contain a spermicide for added protection.
  6. Testing and Packaging: Each condom is electronically tested for holes and weak spots. Some are also filled with air or water to test their strength and elasticity. Once they pass the tests, they are packaged in airtight wrappers.
This process ensures that condoms are hygienic and safe to use right out of the package. It’s important to note that while these steps can help maintain the cleanliness of the condoms, they do not undergo sterilization in the same way that some medical devices do.
All of our Condoms manufactured are undergo thorough quality control measures during production. Your brand condoms deserve a high quality condom manufacturer.
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