female condom company or manufacturer name
Male condom is familiy to most consumers, female condom is rare in market, which mainly sold in Africa and Latin America market, and most supply to government for free supplement to local public health center. So government’s tender is female condom’s main projects.
Why does it always to be the man’s job to keep things under wraps? Female condoms are making a comeback in a big way. Though they are slightly less effective than a male condom and more expensive, it gives women more control of contraception to insert the protection themselves. It can be liberating for a man to go unprotected for once. We also can custom produce private label female condoms. Along with technology’s improvement, polyurethane became female condom’s main material now.
Welcome contact us to make your own logo female condoms, our Email: sales@OEMcondom.com or OEMcondom@gmail.com