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Classic Condoms

» Classic Condoms

The reason why men do not like using a condom during sex

The reason why men do not like using a condom during sex

Many people know that the use of a condoms in sex is appropriate not only as protection against conception but also as a way to protect against sexually transmitted diseases. But when it comes to real contact, many men will not use it. Why? The core of the problem lies in the size of sold condoms.
A recent study among Australian heterosexual men found that only one in three had used a condom during the last contact with a new partner.

Experts therefore wanted to know what the reasons behind it. The most frequent answers were not surprising. Men often complained about discomfort when using a condom or reduced sensitivity in contact. But it was not enough for experts to go further in their research. And they got to the core of the problem itself. Behind everything is the size of condoms, which are of a standard size larger than the average length of the penis during erection. Most men are so common a large condom.

Standard length
Until recently, all standard condoms had a length of at least 17 cm. However, many studies have pointed out that the average length of the erect penis is about 2.5 centimeters shorter, the New York Times reported.

“The idea was to be a regular condom long enough for all men. If it is longer, the length can be rolled up, “Debby Herbenick, a sexual health expert at Indian University in the United States, told Daily Telegraph.

She, in a study she and her colleagues across the United States, found that 83 per cent of men (out of a total of 1,661 people) had the length of a stiff penis shorter than the 17 cm. On average, it was only 14.15 centimeters.

In similar research in the UK, the results of which were published in BJU International Urological Journal, experts found an average penile size of 13.12 cm in erection.

More dimensions, more satisfaction
Maybe she’s lying for better times. US Global Protection Corp. began to produce condoms in a total of 60 sizes that combine ten different lengths and nine sizes of male penis. They now offer lengths ranging from 12.45 cm to 23.88 centimeters and a circumference from 8.9 cm to 12.7 centimeters. For comparison, commonly available condoms range from 17 to 21.1 centimeters in length and 9.9 to 11.43 centimeters in circumference.

“If men bought the smallest size of the condom, and yet it was still big for them, it is terrible for them,” the president said. He added, shortly after the sale, customers ordered all the sizes they offered.

In order to guarantee confidentiality, the company offers random letters and numbers, such as B17, when ordering in the new size markings instead of standard length units. Only the ordering party will know what size is hidden under this label.

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