Durex eggplant flavored condom
Durex announced that it’s launching a new eggplant-flavored condom in a tweet. But it is a joke admitted later by the company.
Durex is not really bringing out a savory condom flavor. Instead, the tweet was part of the company’s campaign to get a condom emoji introduced in a bid to get young people to talk about safe sex.
Durex launched a campaign calling for the “world’s first official safe sex condom emojis”. “Emojis are a crucial part of how young couples connect and research suggests that the creation of official safe sex emojis are vital to inserting messages around protection into their sexual conversations,” Durex said in a press release at the time.
Our factory could produce many kinds of flavored condoms, like strawberry, apple, banana, mint, chocolate, etc. Should you have any special flavor requirements, feel free contact us. Email: rita@mangocondom.com