Condoms can be fun and sexy.
The protection of pregnancy and STIs is important, but so is pleasure. Luckily, condoms provide both!
Condoms come in lots of different styles, shapes, and textures toincrease sensation for both partners. And having your partner put the condom on your penis can be a sexy part of foreplay, especially if you add lube. Condoms can even delay ejaculation (cumming), so sex can make last longer. You can choose a delay condom.
You can use condoms for oral, anal, and vaginal sex, so they protect you from STDs no matter how you get down. And that’s really the sexiest part of all: condoms make you focus on fun and your partner without worrying about pregnancy or STDs. Safer sex is better for fun because it stops stress from killing the mood. Funny condoms and delay condom suppliers. Email: