Using condoms is something you have to do
What do condoms have in common with toothpaste and toilet paper?
Given the world we live in, wearing condoms is something you just have to do, like brushing your teeth. The stakes are too high.
We know,that for those who choose to have sex with someone who has any chance of being infected of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), using a latex condom during every sexual encounter can significantly reduce the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, while protecting against pregnancy.
For those who can’t or won’t use latex condoms, the Food and Drug Administration has cleared two alternative barrier methods of birth control, a male condom made of polyurethane and a condom that is worn by the woman. Both help protect against pregnancy and may provide some level of protection from STDs.
We are premium quality condom manufacturer in China. Good quality products, competitive price, professional service. Any questions about the condoms, don’t hesitate contact us.