Condom expiration dates
What is the condom expiry date?
Each condom manufacturer must determine the shelf life for their condoms. Our condoms have a shelf life of 5 years from the date of manufacture. Some condom such as spermicidal lubricated condoms may have a shorter shelf life.
Can I use a condom if it has expired?
People should always use condoms within the valid time, however using an expired condom better than no condom at all.
If a condom expires in MAY 2020, when was it made?
Each manufacturer determines the shelf life of their condoms and must support this with evidence reviewed. If the expiration date is MAY 2020, simply subtract 5 years and you will have the approximate date and month of manufacture (i.e. MAY 2015). Other manufacturers may have a different code for expressing when a condom was manufactured.
Can you tell when a condom was sold or bought based on the LOT number or expiration date?
We are unable to determine when a specific condom was purchased. Condoms usually have a 5 year shelf life, so we can approximate the time they made their way into the market by subtracting 5 from the expiration year. LOT number not represent the production time.
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