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Top 5 Condom Myths BUSTED

Every one of us has own opinions on condoms. Whatever you feel, they do put a stop to numerous problems we could live without. There are some common misconceptions which we are here to BUST. From the downright ludicrous to the absolute crazy, here’s numbers 1 to 5:

Pull Out Game Strong!
The guy promises he’d pull out in time, but how many babies created because of it? We guess at hundreds of thousands. The fact is, before climaxing, a guy will pre-ejaculate, inseminating his female counterpart, and THEN ‘pull-out’. Pre-cum, as it has been fondly coined, is still able to get a girl pregnant! As Planned Parenthood says, a male who does not carry out withdrawal properly increases the chances of the woman becoming pregnant by 27%!

“I can’t feel anything with that thing on!”
This is perhaps the biggest lie told before sex by a man on one night stands. It is really something that with just a thin layer of latex, a penis becomes completely numb. Granted, it may take away a small amount of feeling, but the way some men go on about it being like “picking your nose with a glove on” is RIDICULOUS.

Not only is double-wrapping a total waste of condoms, but it can create friction between the two and eventually lead to hidden tears and a leakage of juices! A single condom is your best bet for protecting yourself from the dangers unprotected sex may bring.

‘I’m the girl, why should I have one?’
PET PEEVE ALERT. Just because girls do not own a penis, it does not mean they should not empower themselves! The best form of protection for intercourse for both genders is without a doubt condoms. So, why should it be a man’s job to carry them?! While we’re here, girls also need preparing for sex in the right away either!

‘I always break them’
Oh boy, oh boy. Condoms come in all shapes and sizes and actually stretch in order to wrap around larger members of the penis fam. Now, I’m not saying condoms are unbreakable, because they certainly are, but come on… it really is hard to do so! If normal size small for you, why don’t buy XL condoms if there was an issue.

So there we have it, five myths well and truly debunked. Remember, you can share the love and protect someone TODAY by visiting localhost/guo/mang


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