Condom popular in market after Global Epidemic of Syphilis
The modern condom was invented in the early 19th century, but there is evidence of similar devices being used as far back as ancient Egypt. People should use condoms because they are a highly effective method of preventing unwanted pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. They also offer a more discreet and convenient form of birth control compared to other methods. Plus, using condoms can also enhance sexual pleasure and intimacy for both partners.
If you know when has the condoms? And why it comes into the world? There is a large variety of condoms to choose from. The word “condom” has been on everyone’s lips since the early 1980s as an awareness campaign for AIDS gained momentum. On the other hand, the condom as the world’s oldest device used for the purpose of preventing and/or transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) still gives rise to a lot of questions in terms of its origin. The discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492 paved the way for a new era. One year later, Columbus and his crews returned to Barcelona from the West Indies.
Syphilis, an incurable disease at the time, quickly began to take its deadly toll of the populations in Europe, India and China. Syphilis was cynically dubbed “the present from the New World” or the “aborigines’ revenge.” After all tests, condom became the final savoir for people. Now there are different types of condom in the market, they can up consumers’ different demands and offer them extra pleasure and protection to make them enjoy the love freely.
As a professional condom producer, we can custom produce the condom in clients own brand, you can choose which type of condom is your favorite types and make the design artwork of foil wrapper and box, we also can custom design for you.
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