Should spermicides be used with condoms?
The active ingredient in spermicides is nonoxynol 9 (N-9). Some condoms include a spermicidal lubricant containing N-9.
Clinical studies have shown that N-9 spermicides don’t prevent or reduce the risk of getting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, from an infected partner, or against getting other STDs. Thus, N-9 spermicides should not be used for HIV/STD prevention or protection. Clinical studies also show that use of N-9 spermicides can cause vaginal and rectal irritation which could increase the risk of getting HIV/AIDS from an infected partner.
FDA still considers N-9 safe as a contraceptive for women at low risk for HIV and other STDs. However, FDA now requires warning statements and other labeling information for spermicides containing N-9. These warning statements advise consumers that vaginal contraceptives/spermicides containing N-9 don’t protect against infection from the HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, or against getting other STDs. The warnings and labeling information also advise that N-9 can irritate the vagina and rectum and may increase the risk of getting the AIDS virus (HIV) from an infected partner.
So pls. carefully consider about the condoms with N-9 spermicides. More information contact :